Author: Neil

  • Silencing Your Inner Critic: 7 Ideas to Stop Unreasonable Expectations Blocking You From Getting Started

    You’re not going to be perfect right away – reset your brain to focus on progress rather than perfection. It’s always been my mission to help people, and I’ve wanted to get into writing, blogging and vlogging for some time. I’ll create a perfect system, get all the right gear, finally sit down to write,…

  • How Loss Aversion Helped Me to Change My Exercise Routine

    How Loss Aversion Helped Me to Change My Exercise Routine

    Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman coined the term loss aversion back in the 1970s. The psychological theory goes that you feel the pain of losing something you already have more than the joy at getting a new thing. This works in all aspects of life, and you’ll often see it done in marketing or sales processes. The…

  • Being Rich

    There are two ways to be rich – make more money, or spend less and be grateful with what you’ve got. With any busy job, it’s easy to lose this perspective. It’s not rocket science, but it’s something I find really useful when confronted with the latest shiny phone/car/boat/helicopter. Humans are good at getting used…

  • Lessons From Writing My Own Eulogy

    It’s always enjoyable when things start to link together in life. This first happened for me early in 2019, when a combination of sources all mentioned similar advice – Start with the end in mind. This is habit 2 in Stephen Covey’s renowned book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People’. I’d come across it…

  • Book – Takeaways From Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning

    Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod, Amazon I listened to the audiobook of this, but took a lot from it in the final part of our trip round Australia. Takeaways The snooze proof wake up routine Think positively about the amount of sleep, no matter what – you don’t need as much as you think, and your last…

  • Getting Started

    Blogging and writing online can be hard. I’ve always found it a challenge to get down and write for myself, and looking back, I think there are a couple of reasons for this: Well, I figured it was time to get over the fear of not having enough to say. If I’m running into challenges,…