Getting Started

Blogging and writing online can be hard. I’ve always found it a challenge to get down and write for myself, and looking back, I think there are a couple of reasons for this:

  • I’m often daunted by the sheer volume of information that’s out there already. There’s just so much great stuff already online, what could I possibly add?
  • It’s easy to get distracted by formatting and making things look pretty, rather than the content
  • Often the platform gets in the way. In the past, there’s been a constant stream of updates or things to fix!

Well, I figured it was time to get over the fear of not having enough to say. If I’m running into challenges, whether at home or work, then I figure that other people will be having similar issues. Moving across to a different platform also means I can use Markdown, a super simple way to write, distraction free.

My intention with this blog is to write for myself - the idea is to strip it right back, and just focus on the content.

Also, the platform is simple, the design is minimal, and I’ll be able to spend my time on writing, rather than updates and fixes. I can even write and publish straight from the iPad or iPhone, whenever inspiration strikes!

My hope is that over the years it will develop and help me pull together various notes and thoughts, which maybe other people might find useful.

My goals are:

  • Practice regularly sitting down to write
  • Develop my abilities to focus and setting up systems to help with this
  • Engage in deep thinking and working
  • Capturing insights and tips I pick up in books and life in general
  • Hopefully, helping others, as per my mission.